StyleBOT Ideas: Types of Events Services

There are several types of events that can benefit from the use of our StyleBOT! With StyleBOT, you can create amazing and interactive events for all kinds of occasions. Waveplay Interactive has certainly conceptualized StyleBOT through the E! Glambot from the Grammy’s as popularized by Cole Walliser.

So, what types of immersive events need StyleBOT services? Check out the following:

Trade Shows

Did you know that you can create trade shows through the use of virtual and augmented reality features? This is a new way for clients to actively engage and participate with whatever you may want to trade in the hybrid event.

The introduction of new items and services should be key to the design of your StyleBOT concept, and it should be about more than just displaying what you have on hand. Provide a virtual augmented reality experience in which customers may move the items about and disassemble them to observe how they operate. The more involvement and connection you get from guests, the greater your customer conversion rates.


One of the best ways to achieve an interactive conference is to have the best keynote speakers and the trendiest themes that will attract a crowd and impress your stakeholders. You’ll also need outstanding breakout speakers and workshop presenters to guarantee that attendees return to the hybrid event the following year.

Every conference requires motivating and inspirational speakers. The audience expects more than just substance and loads of information; they want a strong personality and presence and an engaging show as well.

Events Marketing

Event marketing may be done in a variety of ways. The most evident is when you sponsor events to market your products. Depending on the sort of event, it can assist you in strengthening relationships with clients and prospects, finding new partners, acquiring leads, and more.

Whatever technique a brand employs, 95% of marketers believe that event marketing is the most significant way to reach business objectives. Waveplay Interactive finds it effective after organizing numerous hybrid events in the Philippines.

Corporate Events

As an employer, you want your staff to be engaged and motivated. However, coming up with fresh and unique ways to keep employees and staff entertained might be difficult at times.

Corporate events are created for employees who need a bit of motivation. Waveplay Interactive, a metaverse supplier in the Philippines, has many ideas for corporate events. We are sure that these ideas will keep your workforce enthusiastic and motivated. We have something for everyone, from team-building activities to social gatherings.

Let us help customize your own event!

Of course, you can have your own type of event. You may just consult with us at Waveplay Interactive about your thoughts, and let’s beautify it to make it more entertaining. We’ll be honored to help you.